There are various options for managing menstruation available today, from reusable pads (including menstrual cups), period underwear, and applicator-less tampons – you can buy these online or in stores, as well as making your own.
Many participants reported wanting more information about reusable menstrual products, which aligns with previous research that highlighted information needs and suggests that providing comprehensive education might increase uptake.
1. They’re more environmentally friendly
Women may consider switching to “greener” menstrual products such as an organic cotton tampon or pad; however, this may not necessarily be better from an overall health perspective as reusable options require access to clean water and washing facilities for cleaning purposes.
Single-use pads and tampons produce considerable waste in the form of plastic packaging, cardboard applicators and unabsorbed cotton fibers. Furthermore, their use depletes natural resources such as cotton and wood and produces greenhouse gases; when flushed down the toilet they can also cause pipe blockages that create so-called ‘fatbergs” – huge masses of wet wipes, nappies and period products that accumulate within sewer systems.
Reusable products reduce overall waste production as they can be created from recycled and reused materials such as old pillow cases and towels, creating less of an environmental footprint than disposable alternatives. Unfortunately, however, they can be more costly upfront and more difficult for those without access to clean water and proper wash facilities to use effectively.
2. They’re more comfortable
Women and girls often resort to makingshift solutions like old clothing or pieces of mattress when their period arrives, which can be both embarrassing and dangerous for health reasons. Reusable menstrual products like menstrual cups (which need to be boiled clean first before use) or cloth pads may help alleviate these difficulties by offering more comfortable and dignified options for periods.
Some individuals may be wary of using reusable menstrual products due to concerns they seem unhygienic or dirty, however this is simply an illusion caused by society’s associations between periods and being gross or disgusting – while in reality they’re no different to any other blood source and washing your reusable pad regularly will ensure it won’t be any dirtier than its disposable equivalents.
3. They’re more affordable
Many girls and women worldwide do not have access to effective, affordable menstrual hygiene products that allow them to manage their periods responsibly and consistently, leading them to miss school or work and negatively affecting their ability to build sustainable futures for themselves and their families.
Reusable pads and tampons are more cost-effective than disposable options, as they can be bought wholesale or locally and last up to 10 years or longer without emitting synthetic chemicals known to disrupt hormonal balance. Plus, bleached tampons may contain potentially endocrine disrupting chemicals found therein that could compromise reproductive health.
Reusable menstrual products may seem costly at first, but once you factor in the costs associated with buying and disposing of single-use pads and tampons, they quickly pay for themselves. Plus, they help reduce plastic pollution while keeping pads out of landfills.
4. They’re more hygienic
Millions of women, girls and people who menstruate worldwide don’t have access to hygienic menstrual products. Without accessing commercial disposable pads, those without funds often resort to makeshift methods like using old cloth, newspaper or even tree leaves as temporary menstrual pads that may lead to irritation, discomfort and serious health risks.
Reusable menstrual products are an integral component of keeping women and girls healthy during menstruation, but many individuals are reluctant to switch over because they believe that reusables are more unhygienic or messy than disposable products. This belief, however, is misinformed – as long as reusables are regularly washed they’re no dirtier or unhygienic than any piece of clothing and in fact create less waste! Studies show this.
5. They’re more convenient
Menstrual cups, period underwear and menstrual discs make life much simpler when it comes to managing periods compared to disposable pads and tampons, which must be changed frequently. Furthermore, these solutions are much simpler and easier to keep clean – you simply add them with your regular laundry for washing!
According to a recent survey, young people who use reusable menstrual products reported prioritising comfort and efficacy (protection from leakage) when selecting their ideal product. Cost, ease of use, and confidence using were also considered key features when making their choice.
Though these benefits exist, many women and girls lack access to reusable menstrual products due to inadequate information and a lack of options available to them. This issue is especially burdensome in low-income families where girls must choose between purchasing disposable options or meeting basic necessities like food.