Organic health foods can be great choices both for the environment and for personal wellbeing, yet can sometimes cost more and may not always be practical for everyone.
Some clinical trial studies have demonstrated that eating organic can result in improvements to several biomarkers such as antioxidant levels and pesticide excretion; however, more long-term whole diet substitution trials with measurable health outcomes are needed to establish their effectiveness.
Lower Levels of Pesticides
Studies have consistently demonstrated that organic health foods contain significantly fewer pesticide residues than conventional counterparts, including strawberries. One such study concluded that organic strawberries contained only half the amount of cadmium present, with pesticides such as methylparaben and pyrethrins present four times less often compared with conventional counterparts; furthermore organic lettuce, tomatoes and apples all displayed significantly lower nitrate levels than their conventional counterparts.
Studies have also demonstrated that eating predominantly organic diets reduces exposure to organophosphate insecticides used on non-organic crops as well as herbicides like glyphosate. These studies use self-reported food intake questionnaires and urine excretion measurements of organophosphate (diphenylphosphate, dimethylphosphate and diethylphosphate) metabolites (diphenylphosphate, dimethylphosphate and diethylphosphate) metabolites from organophosphate organophosphate organophosphate organophosphate) metabolites (diphenylphosphate dimethylphosphate dimethylphosphate and diethylphosphate). These measurements allow scientists to estimate exposure.
Recent studies expand this work, testing for more modern pesticide classes that are widely used on conventional crops today, such as neonicotinoids and pyrethroids. Results compared urine levels after six days on either an organic or standard diet and measured concentrations of metabolites in their urine samples.
More Nutrients
Organic food may provide more of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs for good health, in addition to decreasing exposure to harmful chemicals. Studies have revealed that organic fruits, vegetables and dairy products contain higher concentrations of specific vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids such as omega-3s compared with conventional counterparts.
Though no clinical trials have explored the direct impact of adopting an organic diet on health outcomes, several observational studies have produced impressive positive findings. Organic food consumption has been linked with lower incidence rates for metabolic syndrome, high BMI, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and infertility as well as lower rates of birth defects, otitis media and allergic sensitisation (see table below).
Studies have also demonstrated that those who opt for organic diets tend to follow healthy lifestyle practices more widely, particularly those who follow wholefoods diets (which tend to be low in refined foods and high in fibre, fruits and vegetables).
Fewer Toxins
Organic foods have less pesticide residues and cadmium exposure as well as more vitamins, antioxidants and other essential nutrients compared to conventionally produced food – including Vitamin C, E and carotenoids as well as minerals such as calcium, iron potassium phosphorus.
People who regularly consume organic food tend to be more health conscious and physically active, more likely to be vegetarians, and consume a higher proportion of wholefoods. They may even be willing to pay an increased price premium for products made using livestock that has not been given antibiotics and hormones as feed.
Note, however, that not all organic food is healthy; some may still contain high levels of sugar, salt or fat. Furthermore, clinical trials that compare outcomes of organic diets against nonorganic ones are relatively rare, while observational studies are more prevalent – these have their own limitations making definitive statements impossible but they can indicate trends and set a basis for future research.
Better Taste
Some consumers choose organic food because they believe it to be healthier and tastier than conventionally produced varieties, though this perception is mostly due to marketing hype and few clinical trials involving long-term whole diet substitutions; most studies have not discovered any significant nutritional differences between them.
One possible explanation is that organic crops must compete with conventional counterparts for water, energy and nutrients – something their natural defense mechanisms cannot do. In doing so, plants produce defensive chemicals as a protective measure – potentially interfering with flavor-producing enzymes and altering soil chemistry at once.
Researchers from Cornell University tested pairs of identical food items on volunteers, and most rated those labeled organic as superior tasting largely due to a “health halo effect.” More research needs to be conducted comparing product by product the taste differences.