Snacks can help satisfy hunger between meals by maintaining stable blood glucose levels. Protein, fibre and healthy fats provide energy boosts.
Fresh fruits, veggies and cottage cheese make delicious snacks to count toward your 5 A Day and can easily be transported. When purchasing packaged snacks, be wary of high sugar and sodium amounts.
Fruit is an easily-carried and consumed nutritious snack that provides energy and nutrition on-the-go. Most varieties are low in calories and rich with minerals and fibre; certain fruits – papaya being one – even help lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels and strengthen immunity systems.
However, be careful of consuming too much sugar. Eating whole fruits instead of juice or dried fruit can help avoid too much sweetness, as dried fruit has more concentrated levels of sugar than fresh produce and will contain more calories overall.
Maintain a range of ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables in the fridge or cupboard to offer as snacks, such as chopped apples, strawberries, melons, peeled satsuma segments, sliced bananas or canned pineapple or melons.
Nuts are energy-rich food sources containing an array of essential macro-, micronutrients and phytochemicals. Numerous epidemiologic studies have confirmed the protective effect of eating nuts against cardiovascular disease (CHD) and sudden cardiac death. [1]
Nuts provide high-quality protein, dietary fibre and healthy fats to add variety and fulfill hunger between meals – helping prevent either overeating or undereating at subsequent meals.
But eating too many nuts that have been salted or flavoured with added sugar could lead to unwanted weight gain, so it’s best to opt for plain or roasted without added salt and sugar. According to Iowa Women’s Health Study results, postmenopausal women who regularly consumed nuts had reduced risks of type-2 diabetes.
Dairy provides an abundance of essential nutrients that contribute to overall health, such as high-quality proteins, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. As such, dairy forms an integral part of international dietary guidelines and most health guidelines as a recommended food.
Milk, cheese and yoghurt all add nutrients to popular snacks like bars, pasta and baked goods, as well as adding flavour and texture. Dairy ingredients also enhance dishes such as dips, sauces and dressings by providing added moisture content and taste.
Bars offer convenience, portability and can easily be integrated into a weight management plan as meal replacements or sources of energy boost. Unfortunately, however, they can contain high levels of sugar and fat content which could pose risks.
Carbs in bars provide quick energy sources while proteins and fats digest more slowly to provide sustained energy. To maximize balance in your snack diet, select bars with carbohydrates from both complex and simple sources for an ideal combination.
Some nutrition bars use sugar alcohols to sweeten them without increasing calorie consumption, a practice which may cause digestive discomfort in certain individuals. Before selecting one as part of a low-carb diet plan, it’s important to research how many grams of carbohydrates it contains; some bars also include vitamins, minerals, or phytochemicals – look for one with at least 30% of each recommended daily amount for optimal performance.
Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, helping promote bone health. Additionally, it contributes to normal blood clotting and heart health. Furthermore, some varieties naturally low in fat while containing an ample amount of protein–some types like skyr may contain up to 20 grams in one cup!
Eating yogurt can enhance digestive health by helping balance the bacteria found in your intestinal tract and alleviating symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome, while also aiding with nutrient absorption.
Be sure to provide your yogurt bar with an array of colors and flavors in order to appeal to different people’s palates. Add fruits, nuts and granola for different textures and crunch; honey or agave nectar can add a sweet finish!