Healthy vulvas don’t need soaps, sprays, wipes or douches. In particular, douching may irritate the vulva and lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, bacterial vaginosis and decreased fertility.
Consider replacing daily douching with gentle daily cleansing using water and cotton panties with breathable fibers instead of fragranced products and excessive douching, which remove good lactobacillus bacteria while providing disruptive yeast with the opportunity to flourish.
Just as with your teeth or shower routines, intimate hygiene requires daily care and maintenance. But unlike with hair products, excess is not necessarily beneficial when it comes to intimate hygiene. Your genital area contains an intricate ecosystem which naturally fights off bacteria. Altering pH with chemicals or wash products upsets this balance and could result in yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis.
Douching can upset this delicate equilibrium, especially if done often or for extended periods. Studies have linked frequent and extended douching with pelvic inflammatory disease, bacterial vaginosis and decreased fertility rates.
Women looking to maintain a balanced vaginal ecosystem should use warm water and mild soap when cleansing their vaginal area daily, changing sanitary pads, tampons and liners frequently in order to prevent trapped moisture causing irritation or infection. Also avoid antibacterial products and wear cotton underwear that allows your vulva room to breathe.
Period panties
Have you seen period underwear advertised lately on Instagram or grocery aisles? Designed to look and feel just like regular underwear while providing protection from leakage and odor, new menstrual products are now being introduced that look and function similarly.
These absorbent fabrics use absorbency technology and feature an innovative center and back section that protect against leakage and odors, saving money over time while decreasing waste production. Plus, you can wash and reuse them multiple times, saving both money and waste!
Period underwear is an effective, environmentally-friendly alternative to pads and tampons when it comes to managing period hygiene needs. Constructed of cotton or bamboo viscose material that’s more breathable and less irritating than synthetic ones, period underwear reduces the use of disposable menstrual products throughout one’s lifetime while decreasing TSS risk compared with tampons. So if you want an easy way to manage your period safely and sustainably, speak to your gynecologist about trying period underwear as an option!
As estrogen controls egg release and prepares the uterus to accommodate an expanding fetus, it also encourages healthy bacteria growth while maintaining vaginal acidity levels to prevent infections and provide lubrication. When estrogen levels drop with menopause, you may experience symptoms like itching or painful intercourse (dyspareunia).
Medication that acts like estrogen may help alleviate these symptoms, and can be taken in pill, gel or patch form with a valid valid prescription from your physician. He or she will provide guidance as to what dosage will work for you and will suggest an individual solution based on individual circumstances.
Vaginal estrogen comes in various forms. You can apply it directly with an applicator every few weeks for several months, then once or twice each week afterwards. Another convenient delivery option for some women may be using an estrogen ring inserted in the upper part of their vulva; this method however usually provides lower dosage levels than pills or patches which enter their bloodstream directly.
Sexual activity exposes one to bacteria which can get into their urethra and lead to an infection, making condom use during and post sex important to avoid an urthra infection. For this reason, always use one and change it after every anal, vaginal, or oral encounter; additionally it’s also good practice to shower or clean off external pubic area after engaging in sexual activity.
Attire made of loose cotton material is highly recommended to promote airflow. Moisture encourages bacteria growth.
Know Your Vulva and Vagina