Vaginal moisturizers may provide relief for discomfort, pain and itching caused by menopause or other conditions. Available without a valid prescription, these moisturizers come in gel form (gels or suppositories) or as ointments (ointments or ointment-form).
These expert-recommended products, which contain hyaluronic acid, have been clinically shown to effectively reduce dryness while improving lubrication and sexual intercourse. Talk with your doctor about using one.
1. Ah! Yes Vaginal Moisturizer
This non-medicated vaginal moisturizer is a long-acting gel that’s easily applied with both applicator and finger. Made of all-natural hyaluronic acid derived from our bodies’ own production of it, hyaluronic acid works to keep tissues lubricated and moist – ideal for those suffering from thinned out vaginal tissue or those experiencing itchy vaginal conditions.
Its composition also provides iso-osmotic comfort to the vaginal lining, not pulling or pushing water into tissues which could lead to damage. Made with bioadhesive natural hydrocolloids that attach securely to the genital lining and release water when needed for revitalizing and rehydrating tissues.
Prefilled single-use applicator designed for discreet and hygienic use. Recommened use every 3 days, but may be applied more often depending on individual needs. Apply just prior to sexual activity for added lubrication that may ease pain and discomfort; free from glycerine, parabens and hormones thus safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
2. Carlson Naturals Vaginal Supppositories
Carlson Labs’ Suppository contains 30 IU of Natural-Source Vitamin E in a soothing coconut and palm oil base for easy administration. Can be taken up to four times a day for relief of vaginal or rectal dryness, irritation or itching; nonlaxative and paraben free.
Occasional vaginal dryness is a common side effect of age, yet especially troublesome for women in their middle 40s or later. One solution might be Replens(tm), a polycarbophil-based moisturizer proven to increase vaginal fluid volume, pH balance and elasticity while decreasing dyspareunia symptoms in BCSs.
In the OVERCOME study, olive oil, vaginal exercise and moisturizer were shown to significantly improve quality of life and sexual function for women living with GSM due to oncology treatment or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). Furthermore, moisturizers can also be applied topically in case of occasional constipation relief.[137]
3. Puremedy Vaginal Ointment
Herbal Salve designed to be effective, yet gentle for feminine moisture treatments and relievers. Created using a family recipe, this all natural salve features a mild proprietary blend of wild harvested pine resin, organic elder flower and calendula flowers with no emulsifiers present; ideal for men and women looking to maintain vaginal health, hygiene and flora balance.
4. Replens(tm) Silky Smooth Personal Lubricant
Women use vaginal lubricants to enhance intimate comfort and supplement the body’s natural lubrication systems. Replens Silky Smooth is a premium silicone lubricant that moisturizes and lubricates to create soft skin for more comfortable experiences, and lasts longer than water-based alternatives. It is safe for use with latex and polyurethane condoms, making your time together that much sweeter!
OTC products for treating menopausal-associated genitourinary symptoms include lubricants, moisturizers and pH balancing gels; however, only limited evidence exists on their effect on commensal and potentially pathogenic vaginal bacteria, and only certain products are capable of inhibiting cells of the vulva.
This study explored the effects of five commonly used lubricants, including KY Jelly, Replens Silky Smooth lubricant, Trimo-San and generic coconut oil on E. coli and Lactobacillus crispatus growth using clinical and laboratory strains of E. coli. Results demonstrated that exposure alone inhibited growth; when co-cultured with immortalized vaginal epithelial cells however inhibition decreased and in the case of KY Jelly it actually increased (p 0.01). Replens Long-Lasting moisturizer and Trimo-San did not inhibit E. coli growth but actually stimulate L. crispatus growth (p 0.05).