Most people can get all the vitamins and minerals they require from food alone; however, for others taking additional supplements may provide extra help.
Supplement use tends to be linked with other healthy behaviors, like regular physical activity. According to NHANES surveys, those who take dietary supplements are also less likely to be current smokers.
Vitamins are organic molecules that serve many essential purposes in our bodies, from encouraging cell division to turning food into energy. Some vitamins exist as single molecules while others form groups known as vitamers such as four tocotrienols and eight tocopherols in vitamin E.
Most individuals can satisfy their dietary needs for vitamins by eating a well-rounded diet; however, certain individuals may require supplements due to nutrient deficiencies, conditions causing malabsorption or certain life stages, such as pregnancy.
Supplements come in many forms – pills, capsules, powders, drinks and energy bars. While not subject to rigorous clinical testing like medications do, supplements should have an independent certificate of analysis from an outside company to guarantee purity and potency standards are met; additionally this certification will show whether production was conducted according to FDA Good Manufacturing Practices as well as whether harmful contaminants may have entered the product during manufacturing.
Mineral is used in geology to refer to any naturally occurring inorganic substance with its own distinct chemical composition and crystal structure. Geologists use six criteria to classify minerals: they must be inorganic, of geologic origin, possess defined chemistry properties under normal conditions, be solid at room temperature, and possess unique crystal structures. Rocks are aggregates of different kinds of minerals.
Minerals each possess unique physical characteristics to help set them apart from one another. They may be hard, brittle or soft; most minerals can be scratched with a fingernail to reveal their cleavage directions (essentially parallel lines) while sheen or luster may exist on them as well as conducting heat and electricity or being magnetized; in addition, some can generate electric charges under pressure through something called piezoelectricity.
Minerals play an essential role in both human health and animal wellbeing. We depend on them for the metals required for building, repairing and maintaining physical infrastructure – from quartz used in glass and computers, gold for jewelry making and sandstone used to construct concrete buildings to graphite pencil lead and rock salt used as seasoning agents in food preparation.
Herbs are leafy plants grown for culinary and medical use. Most varieties are green in hue and grow as annuals (living only for one growing season).
Herbs differ from spices by having delicate, tender stems. To thrive in full sunlight and well-drained soil with regular watering needs. Frequent cultivation helps eliminate weeds and insects as does using mulch to control weeds while keeping moisture levels consistent.
Understanding the distinction between herbs and spices is vital. Plants like Coriandrum sativum contain leaves which serve both functions; its seeds are known as coriander, an ingredient widely used in kitchen recipes.
Although some herbs claim to help manage behaviors and alleviate symptoms associated with autism, it’s important to remember that they should never replace traditional therapies. Furthermore, herbal supplements may interfere with other medications and cause complications if taken together.
Supplements for Special Needs
Supplementation can provide individuals with special needs additional nutritional support. Given their individual food preferences and sensitivities, some nutrients may be more difficult to obtain through diet alone. A healthcare professional can assist individuals and their families in selecting supplements which support specific health needs while filling any deficiencies, and reviewing medical histories in order to identify any interactions with medications taken by an individual – complementing rather than replacing healthy eating practices with supplements.