Wellbeing refers to feeling good and possessing the resources to navigate life’s obstacles successfully. This encompasses emotions, body, relationships and a sense of purpose – elements all essential components for living an enriching life.
Improving wellbeing can be challenging, but once you gain and utilize science-backed strategies it becomes much simpler. But to maintain positive changes requires perseverance – which requires support.
Employees are happier and more productive.
Wellness practices help employees focus on work by relieving stress and eliminating distractions. This improves productivity and profitability, giving businesses an ROI on their wellness investments.
Employee wellbeing extends beyond physical health and happiness – it involves providing a nurturing workplace environment in which your staff can thrive holistically. Natural light, ergonomic furniture and plants all play an integral part of supporting employee well-being in your office space.
Companies that prioritize employee health and well-being become attractive places for top talent to work. Once word spreads about your organization’s great experience, more workers will flock to work there, which in turn brings in even more talented staffers – helping your company expand further! Get started now by enrolling in our Wellbeing at Work microcertificate and learn how to foster an environment that keeps employees engaged, happy and productive for maximum job satisfaction, reduced turnover rates and enhanced business performance.
Employees are less stressed.
Stress can be an enormous deterrent to productivity. Its cause may range from work overload and lack of control to personal issues (such as childcare needs or financial concerns). Therefore, creating a psychologically safe workplace where employees feel free to discuss these stressors is vital in breaking down any associated stigma that surrounds mental health and wellbeing issues.
Empathetic leaders can set an example of this behavior by regularly sharing their own experiences and encouraging colleagues to do the same. Lunch-and-learn sessions or informal monthly check-ins are great places to begin discussing such topics and initiating change.
Offering free annual or bi-annual on-site health check-ups demonstrates your company’s care for its employees’ wellbeing, and wellness initiatives like fitness challenges that foster teamwork and healthy competition will also boost employee engagement. Offering such benefits will help employees feel less anxious, making them more productive. They will also be better able to manage their time efficiently by focusing on one task at a time.
Employees are more engaged.
Focusing on employee wellness is an effective way of showing you care for them. Employees who feel supported in their wellbeing tend to be more engaged at work and less likely to quit; thus reducing turnover costs while saving money through hiring and training costs.
Companies providing wellbeing tools and services help employees take control of their own health, both physical and mental. Employee Assistance Programs and access to a 24/7 GP provide employees with immediate support when needed; additionally, gym membership or customized lunchtime classes may also help enhance wellness – one technology company, Postcode Anywhere purchased kayaks so employees could use them during breaks for enhanced physical wellbeing.
Wellbeing-focused engagement strategies are vital in order to attract and retain top talent. By prioritizing wellbeing in your engagement strategy, you can make your company more human while simultaneously encouraging employees to become passionate advocates for the brand – increasing likelihood that they recommend your organisation as an attractive place to work as well as stay with it longer term.
Employees are more productive.
Companies can do much to promote wellbeing if they choose the appropriate mix of strategies that meet the needs of their people.
Some companies focus on employee engagement by offering benefits like discounted restaurant food or stress management sessions; such measures can work but often fall outside of what employees care about when it comes to corporate culture.
Teams that feel exhausted and distracted often spend their time engaging in defensive activities like infighting and solo-ing instead of engaging in tasks that add value or foster meaningful connections among their colleagues, which leads to poor productivity and potentially burnout over time.
Hitting workplace wellness benchmarks can be an incredible asset in terms of talent acquisition and retention. Research shows that employees who thrive are 32% less likely to look for another position – saving your company money on recruitment and training costs in the process. One effective way of accomplishing this goal is through taking a people-first approach towards employee wellbeing.