Dietary supplements are pills, powders and formulas designed to boost physical performance and help users build muscle mass, shed pounds or stay hydrated.
Supplements may supply nutrients derived from food or produced synthetically, such as table salt containing both sodium and chlorine elements. A reputable private label nutritional products manufacturer adheres to FDA Good Manufacturing Practice regulations when producing private label nutritional products.
Enhances nutrient absorption
Nutrient absorption occurs in your small intestine and, if it doesn’t function as intended, may lead to malabsorption and deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids or amino acids.
Optimizing nutrient absorption requires pairing nutrients together (iron + vitamin C), taking probiotics and prebiotics, managing stress effectively, eating whole foods more often and chewing food thoroughly – though certain medical conditions and medications may interfere with these steps.
Nutritional products come in the form of capsules, tablets or powders for consumption. To preserve nutritional value in any supplement being sold to consumers, both ambient and accelerated stability testing should be performed on its product to assess temperature, light intensity/exposure intensity and relative humidity as potential environmental influences on its stability.
Enhances immune system function
Eating a well-rounded diet can provide your immune system with essential vitamins and minerals needed for optimal performance, helping it protect you against infection faster should an infection arise.
Dietary supplements are often used to prevent or treat micronutrient deficiency. Vitamin C has been shown to decrease both duration and severity of upper respiratory infections; iron can prevent goitre; iodine is added to salt to prevent rickets in children; black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) extract has potent antiviral activity – although more human studies are necessary before conclusively concluding its effectiveness as an antiviral treatment.
Certain foods provide key nutrients that promote optimal immune system health, such as vitamin A and zinc. Echinacea and black elderberry have also been proven to boost immune responses and shorten common cold duration.
Promotes weight loss
Dietary supplements are used to enhance diet, typically consisting of vitamins, minerals, herbs or amino acids. Also referred to as “dietary ingredients or nutraceuticals”, nutritional and dietary supplements do not undergo the same stringent testing or regulations that govern prescription or over-the-counter drugs; their packaging inserts may not contain information regarding potential adverse health effects.
Calorie restriction, improved diet quality and physical activity are essential components of effective weight management strategies, but successful approaches often combine multiple components. According to authors from the AMA Journal of Ethics, physicians can support their patients by advocating culturally sensitive products backed by science as part of dietary supplement products promoted to them.
Green tea extract (GTE), caffeine, and hydroxyanthracene compounds have all been identified as ingredients that may promote weight loss through authoritative reports and human clinical research studies, with each generally considered safe when consumed at the amounts recommended in such studies.
Promotes healthy digestion
The digestive system works hard to break down food into nutrients for absorption by the rest of your body, including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. To promote good digestive health it is vital that we consume unprocessed food such as fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins from fresh sources like fruits or meats that do not contain preservatives or dyes.
Dietary fibres such as inulin, resistant starch gums pectins and scFOS nourish gut microbiota while stimulating their release of short-chain fatty acids like butyrate that improve tight junctions that reduce intestinal permeability.
Vitamins C and D both play an integral part in maintaining digestive health, and can be found in various food items or taken as dietary supplements. To make sure you’re receiving adequate amounts, Everlywell offers at-home lab tests to measure levels and provide recommendations.
Customized to meet specific dietary requirements
Foodtech startups are harnessing data analytics to create meal kits and tailored nutritional products tailored specifically to individual needs and preferences.
Meal kits and nutrition plans designed specifically to your diet simplify dietary changes by offering pre-portioned ingredients, cooking instructions, and nutrition guidance all at the convenience of a home delivery. Perfect for busy lifestyles and special dietary restrictions!
Personalized supplements can assist people in meeting their health and fitness goals by targeting specific nutrient deficiencies. This personalization process involves filling out an online questionnaire about diet, health concerns, exercise routines and dietary preferences to customize protein powder supplements according to customer goals and preferences. One company called Gainful offers personalized protein powder products using this process – their customers fill out an in-depth survey about dietary choices and goals to receive customized protein powder powder products from them.