Minerals are inorganic solid materials with distinct chemical composition and characteristic crystal structure, along with unique physical properties.
Some properties of minerals that can help identify them include hardness (measured through scratching), cleavage, magnetism, color and powdered streak (formed when minerals are rubbed against unglazed tile or paper). Other tests exist for testing density and specific gravity.
Corundum is the mascot of teachers, psychologists and narcologists alike; moreover it has also become the symbol of all women over four decades. Beautifully colored transparent and translucent natural corundum crystals (red rubies, blue sapphires and colorless leucosapphire) have been valued since Hellenistic times as first class gemstones; fluid inclusions or fractured inclusions cannot be cleared by heating but chromophore-type elements may be convinced to acquire an ionization charge of +2 or +3, altering its colour results in turn.
Corundum gemstone variety exhibits various colors due to element impurities present within it, from intense red hues of rubies and sapphires, as well as the more subdued hues found in yellow, pink, and green variations. Corundum is also very durable as it fluoresces under shortwave UV lighting.
Fluorite (CaF2) is an uncommon halide mineral often found in large crystals. It has translucent to transparent properties and comes in various hues including green, yellow, bluish-green and purple hues. Cube is the most frequently occurring crystal form but octahedrons and penetration twins also occur frequently.
Fluorite has long been used as a flux in glass manufacturing and processing iron ore into steel, as well as being employed in prisms and microscope objectives. Furthermore, fluorite exhibits fluorescence when exposed to longwave ultraviolet lighting.
Fluorite’s metaphysical qualities provide it with powerful healing benefits for psychic and spiritual growth. It can clear and balance chakras while dispelling negative energy from both your auric field and environment, making Fluorite an excellent addition to any home to promote positive flow of energy and ensure optimal living conditions.
Barite is an everyday white to gray crystal found all across Europe, often found in rounded, circular or concentric-bladed crystal formations that resemble roses – known as Sand Roses, Rose Rocks or Barite Roses. Furthermore, this material can also form nodular, radiating, massive crystals or even rosette-shaped concretions, like one found phosphorescent near Bologna in Italy.
Barite has numerous commercial applications. It can be used to make various barium compounds, block x-ray and gamma ray emissions in hospitals, laboratories and power plants while increasing time limits of plaster application or used as filler/extender in concrete mixes. Barite can also be found in layers of sedimentary rocks as well as hydrothermal and mesothermal metal ore veins.
Sphalerite, more commonly referred to as zinc blende, is the major ore of zinc. It occurs as crystals with white, yellow, orange or red shades depending on its iron content.
Sapphire is known as a stone of discernment and can help determine if something is authentic. Furthermore, it reveals the truth of any situation, making it useful in business and financial dealings.
Sphalerite is believed to be an energetic healer that benefits physical, emotional and mental wellbeing in individuals. Additionally, many believe sphalerite helps balance masculine and feminine energies for increased balance. Furthermore, some believe sphalerite can encourage intuitive awakening as well as strengthening psychic abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy. Sphalerite may bring luck in business endeavors while providing protection from negative energies and spiritual blockages.
Galena is an ore of lead used since prehistoric times, making it one of the oldest mineral resources available today. Galena can also be found as a pigment used in eyeshadows and hair dye products; ancient Egyptians used kohl made from this mineral as part of a black powder to lessen desert sun glare while simultaneously repelling disease-carrying flies; it’s considered very grounding mineral, associated with your root chakra.
Galena has an appealing metallic sheen and extremely high specific gravity. It exhibits perfect cubic cleavage that breaks along three directions of weakness that meet at right angles, and can be found both as metamorphic rocks and hydrothermal vein deposits worldwide; some notable locations for galena deposits include Freiberg in Saxony; Cornwall Mendips Somerset Derbyshire Cumberland England Madan Rhodope Mountains Bulgaria the Sullivan Mine British Columbia Canada Broken Hill Mount Isa Australia