Gummies offer an assortment of vitamins, but tests reveal they often contain lower quantities than indicated on their labels. Furthermore, not all gummy vitamins contain iron which is necessary to combat anemia in young children and pregnant women.
Gummies contain plenty of sugars and artificial ingredients designed to maintain their fun shapes, potentially leading to an overload in vitamins and minerals that could ultimately cause toxicological problems.
Calcium is one of the body’s most abundant minerals, providing essential support for strong bones and teeth while potentially decreasing osteoporosis risk. We get most of our calcium needs met through food sources like dairy products, legumes and leafy green vegetables.
Many gummy minerals contain calcium as part of their nutritional profile. When shopping for calcium gummies that also offer vitamin D3 supplementation for improved absorption. Adults should consume at least 500 mg daily while children’s supplements should provide up to 1000 mg.
Remember, too, that taking too many gummy vitamins could result in overdoses of essential minerals and vitamins. Zinc and copper levels in particular could build up over time in your bloodstream and pose significant health risks.
Magnesium is an essential mineral, helping regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, muscle and nerve function as well as making protein and bone. According to recent surveys conducted on Americans’ diets, many may not get enough magnesium in their daily meals (USDA/NHA 2012). (Janine Sullivan).
Food and Drug Administration reports that long-term use of proton pump inhibitor drugs — commonly used to treat heartburn, reflux and stomach ulcers — could reduce magnesium absorption. (24-25)
Gummy magnesium supplements come in various forms, with magnesium lactate being one of the best-absorbed forms and not causing laxative effects, unlike some other forms. (26, 27) Another choice is magnesium orotate with malic acid added as an absorbent substance to promote quick absorption. A preliminary study suggests it might promote heart health in those suffering from congestive heart failure but more research must be conducted.
The National Headache Foundation suggests taking 400-600 mg of magnesium a day in order to prevent migraine attacks. As high doses may cause side effects such as diarrhea and nausea, it’s wise to consult your physician first.
Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a pea-sized structure located deep within the brain that helps regulate when to sleep and wake up. Melatonin levels naturally peak in the evening before falling during the daytime hours. Many people take additional melatonin supplements for insomnia or other sleep issues such as delayed sleep phase disorder and shift work disorder; taking additional doses may even reduce jet lag symptoms.
Melatonin can also aid sleep by improving anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, and has even been found to alleviate vascular endothelial dysfunction associated with diabetics or those living with atherosclerosis in some studies.
Melatonin can be an unsafe supplement when taken at high doses. Before beginning to take this supplement, it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider first, particularly if you have existing health conditions or are taking other medications. Furthermore, caffeine or stimulants such as alcohol should also not be combined with it for maximum effect.
Gummy vitamins provide an easy and delicious way to supplement their diets with essential minerals that may otherwise be difficult to consume in large amounts through food alone. B vitamins found in many energy-boosting gummies optimize metabolic processes while those containing calcium and vitamin D support healthy bones.
Susie cautioned that gummy vitamins should only be consumed in moderation and should not replace whole food items in one’s diet. Many gummy vitamins contain sugar alcohols which contribute to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and tooth decay.
Gummies contain vitamins that may be toxic at higher concentrations and it’s easy to overdose due to their concentration. Two popular gummy vitamins will reach the maximum daily intake recommended for fat-soluble vitamins A, E and K respectively.