Organic ingredients can help your family reduce exposure to harmful pesticides, while being safe for those with food allergies or sensitivities.
Products labeled as organic or made with organic ingredients must contain 100% organically produced ingredients (excluding water and salt) certified by an approved certifying agent.
Better for the Environment
Organic farming practices not only leave a smaller ecological footprint, but they can also protect the planet by reducing pollution and improving soil quality. When ingredients produced by smaller local farms who prioritize ethical animal welfare practices, the effect is even greater.
Organic ingredients are also free from harmful pesticide residue, which decreases environmental pollution. Studies conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have confirmed this fact and revealed that samples of organic fruits and vegetables contain far fewer pesticides than conventionally produced food items.
Food products containing 100% organic ingredients must display the USDA seal. Processed goods that contain 70% or more organic ingredients can be labeled either “organic,” “made with organic,” or a combination of both (“organic & nonorganic”). On their principal display panel, organic content percentage must be clearly identifiable and its certifier must appear on an information panel; any non-certified organic ingredients should also be listed separately from all other ingredients.
Organic foods provide peace of mind by guaranteeing they were grown and processed without toxic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers – and in fact are subject to USDA regulation in order to meet stringent government standards.
Find the USDA organic label on single-ingredient items like fruits, vegetables and meats; it can also be found on food items processed using high percentages of organic ingredients excluding salt and water – such as cheese, baked goods and cereals.
Certified organic products contain at least 95% organic ingredients and should feature either the USDA organic seal or name of an accredited organic certifier on their product information panels. Products or substances from outside agriculture that are permitted on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances may be used during organic product processing.
More Nutrient-Dense
There’s no disputing that organic ingredients contain more vitamins and minerals than non-organic ones, with the primary difference stemming from how they’re farmed: non-organic farms may use pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers that leave chemical residue on produce while organic farming methods do not employ such methods ensuring your food is free from toxins.
Research indicates that organic foods contain higher concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants than their non-organic counterparts, in addition to providing more fiber, vitamins, and minerals at reduced calories.
However, it is essential that you follow a balanced diet without restricting yourself solely to organic food options. Achieve five-a-day of fruits and vegetables along with lean proteins and wholegrains still constitute your five-a-day requirements; even organic produce contains some naturally occurring toxins; opting for organic may help lower exposure to harmful chemicals, but opting for such produce alone isn’t required for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Superior Taste
Organic ingredients add an extraordinary flavour to the dishes served up at caterers and restaurants alike. Cultivated in soil-rich environments, organic produce boasts superior flavors which elevate dining experiences.
Organic meats are raised without growth hormones or antibiotics, resulting in leaner, tastier and more tender cuts of meat. Furthermore, many organic flours are milled with finer crumbing for lighter cakes and rustic breads.
Organic food consumption is on the rise, as consumers recognize its significance for ethical and sustainable practices by opting for products with certified organic labels. Unfortunately, finding reliable organic ingredient suppliers can be difficult due to financial restrictions, limited availability and quality control issues. American International Foods offers an impressive variety of certified organic ingredients backed by full documentation of their organic status; please click here to browse our full list!